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Furman has raised more than $356 million in historic campaign

The Furman Bell Tower in October 2023.

Last updated October 26, 2023

By Furman News

Alumni and friends of the university have given more than $356 million to Clearly Furman, the Campaign for Our Third Century, which launched publicly in April. The total raised to date represents 84% of the campaign goal of $426 million by 2026.

“This is Furman’s moment. This is our moment,” Furman President Elizabeth Davis said during the campaign launch. “Our moment to come together, to propel our university into its third century with a clear vision and the resources to meet our enormous potential.”

The money raised so far in Furman’s largest comprehensive campaign in its history reflects a variety of gift types, designations and payment timelines. The gift types include:

  • A pledge, which is a donor’s promise to make a payment over the course of three to five years.
  • Planned gifts, which reflect a donor’s future intentions that may be realized over 10, 20 or 30 years.
  • Cash flows into the university’s operating budget, which are used to cover expenses including the most basic items from lighting and supplies to scholarships.

The gift designation indicates that a donor chose to support annual needs (current operating budget expenses), capital (renovations to buildings), or endowment (a gift that perpetually supports Furman).

The campaign is intended to provide resources that will strengthen Furman’s standing as a leader in higher education and community impact, while offering students the mentoring, engaged learning experiences, classroom excellence and sense of belonging they need to make a difference through lives of purpose.

“People give back to a place that has given much to them. We have a lot to be grateful to Furman for. We’re grateful for friends, grateful for faculty,” said Robert Hill ’83, who is co-chairing the campaign with his wife, Margaret Platt Hill ’83. “We had a good experience at Furman, and we want to pass it on. We want to support the financial health of the university and support new programs. There’s also a sense of opportunity, responsibility and accountability: Is there an opportunity to help?”


Two pie charts that show gift designation (endowment, annual, capital) and gift type (cash, planned, pledge, and stockproperty)

The campaign has the following funding priorities:

Scholarships, Teaching and Academic Programs: Inspire Minds Where They Meet

The Furman Advantage: Power Our Defining Difference

Wellness, Belonging and Community: Make Personal Promise Matter

Athletics, Coaching and Competitiveness: Inspiring Greatness

The Institutes: Drive Impact with Innovation

The Annual Fund: Magnify the Meaning of Generosity

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