Team members: Nathalie Bauters, Michael Brearley, Matt Cooney, Angela Jenkins, Kamara Mertz-Rivera, Tavaghn Monts, and Michael Williamson.

Brother Box, a non-profit organization located in the upstate, envisions “a world where every Black boy has access to a high-quality, holistic, culturally relevant, and equitable education.” The organization fulfills this mission through a series of programs designed to supplement traditional classroom learning and encourage Black boys to dream big and be their most authentic selves. One of these programs is the “No Limits” text series.

“No Limits” Text Series. For two weeks, participants receive a daily text crafted to inspire, motivate, and educate. Examples of covered topics include financial literacy, healthy perspectives on what it means to be a man, mental health, and vision-building. Upon completion of the text series, each boy receives a curated care package (the “Brother Box”) with a variety of items ranging from snacks and hygiene products to ties and books by Black authors.

Team Unboxed: One of the primary challenges impacting the potential growth and sustainability of the “No Limits” text series is aligning enrollment demand with the necessary funding and box assembly logistical support. To address this issue, Team Unboxed created a partnership package Brother Box could utilize to target increased corporate sponsorship and collaborative engagements with community organizations. Modeled after the Brother Boxes sent to participants of the “No Limits” text series, the partnership package is a pitch box the organization can provide to potential funders, volunteers, and community partners. Team Unboxed designed and created written collateral for the box relevant to the target audience. For potential sponsors, a one-page summary sheds light on the impact of donations and the corresponding co-branding opportunities available to sponsors based on specific sponsorship levels. For community organizations, a separate brochure highlights the various ways they can engage their stakeholders as participants in the text series or volunteers helping assemble and distribute the Brother Box care packages. Additional written materials and branded merchandise are included in each pitch box. Team Unboxed is optimistic the partnership package will allow Brother Box to continue expanding the organization’s impact through increased engagement of sponsors, community partners, and volunteers.

While researching ways to assist Brother Box, Team Unboxed encountered many local organizations that serve as resources for local non-profits. In addition to the partnership package, Team Unboxed provided a summary of these resources to Brother Box.