Community Action Projects

Participants in the Riley Institute’s Diversity Leaders Initiative program work together in small, cross-sector groups to respond to real challenges and opportunities in their communities through service projects. Through the development of these projects, participants strengthen their bonds with classmates and deepen relationships with their communities.

Riley Fellows have implemented nearly 300 community action projects across the state. Examples include the creation of an ongoing summer camp for disadvantaged youth, a luggage drive for children in foster care, and the unveiling of a food truck that serves free, nutritionally balanced meals to children during the summer months.

Jasmine Roadies
The “Jasmine Roadies” group has the honor to support the...
Keepers of the Promise
Keepers of the Promise partnered with Charleston Promise Neighborhood in...
Key Konnectors
Background/Situation Analysis On the Road Again is a project of...
Kicks for Kids
Kicks for Kids group members are working to increase minority...
Killer Bees
The Killer Bees presented a case study on the effects...
Kindergarten College
Kindergarten College takes kindergartners from a low-income neighborhood school to...
Know Difference
Members of the Know Difference Team recognized that often good...
Laurens: Raider Ready
All students want to be successful, but many students do...