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Fostering Sustainable Living and Lifestyle Choices

The Greenbelt Engaged Living Community (cabins by the lake) is an intentional living-learning community intended to foster sustainable living and lifestyle choices among the sixteen student residents.  These cabins are part of the Duke Energy Village and offer a variety of sustainable design features like solar thermal panels, solar tubes, clotheslines, composting buckets, and locally sourced building materials.

Students in the program enroll in one class each semester:

Fall: SUS 200 Sustainability Leadership  and Living.  This class introduces students to the tenets of sustainability, encourages them to experiment with a more sustainable lifestyle, and provides them with training to be agents of change.

Spring:  SUS 201 Making Change Happen Students use their training from the fall course to identify and tackle a campus sustainability issue and work to find and implement solutions.

Learn More

Greenbelt Housing Information and Application

Greenbelt Community Blog

Greenbelt Sustainable Living Guide

For more information about the Greenbelt Community, contact Joy Owens at the Shi Institute for Sustainable Communities.