Resource Engagement for Regional Minority Business Growth

A regional minority economic development plan was recently created through the Berkeley-Charleston-Dorchester Council of Governments. This plan, called “The Strategy: Minority Business Partnership” (MBP) outlines the path to grow minority businesses in the Charleston region. One important need identified in the MPB is for minority business owners to develop “actionable relationships.” These relationships can only be developed as business owners leave their silos and connect with community leaders who can be resources to grow their businesses. The MBP suggests that one method to achieve this is for minority business owners to serve in leadership roles with chambers of commerce.

Team Spectrum’s project is twofold: 1) create an Engagement Opportunities Guide that provides information on leadership roles in three area chambers: Berkeley, Charleston Metro and Summerville/Dorchester; and 2) invite minority business owners and executives and leaders of the chambers to a Resource Engagement Meeting so they can learn about the opportunities and meet with community leaders who have participated in them. Team Spectrum’s goals are to facilitate the creation of actionable relationships, increase diversity in chamber leadership, and provide the impetus that jump-starts the implementation of the MBP.