Diversity Awareness

Pay It Forward
Building upon the success of two prior Capstone projects, Team...
Pencil Pushers
Pencil Pushers focused on a sustainability plan for the Teacher’s...
Members of Prism focused on a desire to ensure that...
Project A.W.A.R.E.: (Fostering) Awareness Within an All-Inclusive and Respectful Environment
PROJECT A.W.A.R.E. is a three-hour instructional program on diversity, including...
Project C.O.O.L.: Celebrating Others through Opportunities in Learning
Members of Project C.O.O.L brought together a diverse group of...
Project Discovery
Project Discovery is the result of an innovative partnership with...
PW Chop
Phillis Wheatley Culinary arts for Healthy Outcomes Program A centerpiece...
REAP: Reading Enrichment from Away Parents
The REAP team mission is based on a program called...
Rhythm of Inclusion by T Rex and the Upbeats
Disability affects more than 61 million people in the United...
SAFY – Specialized Alternative for Families of Youth
Specialized Alternatives for Families and Youth (SAFY) is a national...