Malone Center for Career Engagement respects, values, and celebrates the diversity of all Paladins. We strive to make every student feel welcome, safe, and included regardless of race, color, national origin, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, pregnancy, disability, age, religion, veteran status, or any other characteristic. By committing ourselves to support and advocacy for students of all identities, we hope to foster a healthy campus environment where students can explore their career interests while making informed decisions to help all Paladins pursue meaningful lives and careers.

Our team strives to understand the experiences of each individual and the systemic challenges for particular identities in regard to career planning. We also recognize that not all identities and their intersections can be addressed on this page and we welcome any and all recommendations for improving this resource.

Interested in looking for identity based internships and other opportunities? Check out this database from the Furman Internships Office.

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Recruiting Information

Employers recognize that non-discrimination practices and policies have become essential to retain and attract quality applicants like you. As a result, many employers have adopted diversity, inclusion, or non-discrimination efforts and highlight them publicly. This can make figuring out which companies truly commit to those efforts a daunting task. As you research organizations for opportunities, here are some potential questions to help you get a better sense of their commitment to their stated values.

Evaluating Potential Employers

  • Review whether diversity, inclusion, equity, etc. are mentioned in a mission, vision, values, or goals statement
  • Look for a separate diversity statement or nondiscrimination policy
  • See if the organization or company has a Chief Diversity Officer or another senior-level professional with a similar function listed on their website or by looking on LinkedIn
  • Research whether the company hosts affinity groups and events for identity groups like the ones we have listed above
  • Investigate the benefits offered by the employer, are their special accommodations on-site or in their policies for special needs (i.e. lactation spaces, prayer rooms, maternity/paternity leave, etc.)
  • Using a search engine, look for news stories about the employer that include keywords like “lawsuit” or “discrimination”

Potential Questions to Ask a Recruiter or During an Interview

  • How does your organization or company promote diversity and inclusion in the workplace?
  • What do you see as the most beneficial aspect of diversity and inclusion in your work?
  • Can you describe how your organization uses the diverse perspectives or backgrounds of its employees?
  • Does your organization sponsor any employee affinity groups? If so, how active are they and can you describe to me what they have accomplished recently?
  • I saw that your company recently launched several diversity initiatives. Who is involved in that work and what are the goals of those groups?
  • How does your organization provide for members of its community who are in need? Does this extend to the local community outside of employees?
  • What types of professional development opportunities does your organization offer? Are there any opportunities that are tailored for members of underrepresented groups?