Students requesting services should complete the SOAR Student Application and provide appropriate documentation of their disability. Some accommodations require significant planning; therefore, students should begin the process well in advance. Students should submit their documentation as soon as possible.

  1. Complete the SOAR Student Application to request accommodations.
  2. Submit documentation.

IMPORTANT: Please note that you should not delay meeting with us out of concern for not having the right paperwork. We will discuss specific third-party documentation needs during the Welcome Meeting and steps you can take after the meeting. Our first priority is meeting with you, not reviewing the paperwork. Please email if you would like to schedule a meeting prior to submitting documentation.

All documentation should be uploaded to the SOAR Student Application or sent to:

Student Office for Accessibility Resources
Furman University
3300 Poinsett Highway
Greenville, SC 29613
Fax: 864.294.3044

A representative from SOAR will contact you after reviewing your SOAR Student Application and documentation.