Warning Signs of Abusive Behavior

Domestic and dating abuse often escalates from threats and verbal abuse to violence. And, while physical injury may be the most obvious danger, the emotional and psychological consequences of domestic and dating violence are also severe. Warning signs of dating and domestic violence include:

  1. Being afraid of your partner.
  2. Constantly watching what you say to avoid a “blow up.”
  3. Feelings of low self-worth and helplessness about your relationship.
  4. Feeling isolated from family or friends because of your relationship.
  5. Hiding bruises or other injuries from family or friends.
  6. Being prevented from working, studying, going home, and/or using technology (including your cell phone.)
  7. Being monitored by your partner at home, work or school. 8. Being forced to do things you don’t want to do.

Help Reduce Your Risk and Avoid Potential Attacks

If you are being abused or suspect that someone you know is being abused, speak up or intervene.

  1. Get help by contacting Counseling Services or Student Health Services for support services
  2. Learn how to look for “red flags” in relationships so you can learn to avoid some of those characteristics in future partners.
  3. Consider making a report with Furman University Police Department and/or the Title IX coordinator and ask for a “no contact” directive from the university to prevent future contact.
  4. Consider getting a protective order or restraining order. Safe Harbor can assist you with obtaining a protective order (for an abusive intimate partner), and Furman University Police Department can direct you on obtaining a restraining order.
  5. Learn more about what behaviors constitute dating and domestic violence, understand it is not your fault, and talk with friends and family members about ways you can be supported. Trust your instincts—if something doesn’t feel right in a relationship, speak up or end it.