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A Sense of Place

We envision our campus as a sustainability pedagogical opportunity, a chance to infuse sustainability across our curriculum and provide applied, real-world sustainability experiences for students. These “Living Learning Labs” merge academics and campus spaces to provide students with real-world skills and, in some cases, a path to help meet our sustainability goals. We maintain a number of different Living Learning Labs, including a five-acre solar farm, a campus organic practice farm (Furman Farm), a former Japanese temple (Place of Peace), a replica of Thoreau’s cabin, a 28-acre campus lake, and a sustainability student fellows program, among others.

  • 2994
    solar panels at the solar farm
  • 8
    LEED certified buildings on campus
  • 52
    tons of compost generated from food waste

Learn More

For more information about our campus as lab program contact Laura Bain at the Shi Institute for Sustainable Communities.

Take a tour of Furman’s sustainable features, including the Living Learning Labs highlighted here.

Campus as Lab Info Sheets:

Furman Farm

Place of Peace

Thoreau Cabin

Furman Lake

On Campus Solar