Background: The United States Congress authorized the Morris K. Udall Scholarship and Excellence in National Environmental Policy Foundation in 1992 to honor Congressman Udall and his interest in environmental policy and the rights of Native Americans.

The Scholarships: Fifty-five one-year grants of$5,000 for outstanding sophomores or juniors who intend to pursue careers in environmental policy and to Native Americans who plan careers in health care or tribal policy. Universities may nominate up to three students in each category. Honorable mentions are also announced.

Application: A nominee information form listing activities, course work, jobs, career goals, and an experience that has clarified an interest in environmental policy, together with a600-word essay on the impact of one of Congressman Udall’s programs.

Who Should Apply: Sophomores or juniors with excellent grades (3.4 or above) who are majoring in the sciences or social sciences and who plan careers in environmental protection or policy should consider applying.

References:  Three letters of recommendation.

For More Information: Visit the Udall Scholarships website.