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Past Wilkins Legislative Award Winners on Bipartisanship in South Carolina

Last updated December 13, 2022

By Web Admin

Post powered by Who’s On The Move

As we prepare for the January 10 Riley-Wilkins OneSouthCarolina Legislative and Civic Leadership Awards, we’re reminded of the examples set by past winners. Here’s a look back at what a few of these leaders had to say about the important role bipartisanship plays in South Carolina.

Why is bipartisanship vital to South Carolina?

“It’s clear that bipartisanship is a way forward, a way that we can get things done for the citizens of this state. You know South Carolina is truly unique. I believe we are an anomaly in a world of partisan politics. We can disagree in South Carolina without being disagreeable. When we talk to one another, we find out that there’s a lot more common ground between the two parties than either of us realize sometimes.”

Former Speaker of the S.C. House Jay Lucas (R-Darlington)
2014 Award Winner for Excellence in Legislative Leadership

“It’s super critical for us. We’re a small state, yet we can compete with large states. [When it comes to economic development], we can compete with just about any place because we work together in this state. It’s so easy to get business done because a businessperson can call anybody they need to in this state, and we [as legislators] can get to the governor, we can get to anybody else, and we can get you the services you need. To do that, we’ve got to be bipartisan, and we got to work together to pull for the citizens of South Carolina.”

Former Senator Paul Campbell (R-Berkeley)
2013 Award Winner for Excellence in Legislative Leadership

Riley-Wilkins OneSouthCarolina Legislative and Civic Leadership Awards

January 10, 2023

Join us in shining a light on two exceptional individuals, people who inspire rising leaders by exemplifying what can be achieved through empathy, collaboration, perseverance, and an overriding commitment to the wellbeing of the people of our state.

Reserve Your Seat

The Riley Institute would like to thank Who’s On The Move for supporting the 2023 Riley-Wilkins OneSouthCarolina Leadership Awards as a partner-level sponsor. Learn more about Who’s On The Move at

Winner quotes excerpted from 2020 video, “Fifteen Years of Wilkins Award Winners on Leadership, Service and Bipartisanship.”