Since 2014, the Cothran Center has offered sophomore students an opportunity to participate in an international spring break travel program to Northern Ireland called FOCUS. The majority of this program takes place during March at the Corrymeela Community in Ballycastle, Northern Ireland; however, prior to travel, selected participants meet biweekly for meaningful gatherings in preparation for the trip.

Through discussions about personal identity and strengths, students discover more about themselves and others. Through exploration of different cultures and perspectives, conversations about peace and conflict, and listening to the unique stories of others, participants have opportunities to interact with each other and expand their worldviews. FOCUS allows participants to slow down, spend quality time with mentors and peers, and dedicate time to intentional space for reflection. Using a variety of large and small group experiences, this program fosters a sense of belonging and authentic connection among the group. Plus, it is a lot of fun!

Please email Rolyn Rollins at with any questions.