This Fall Break program is a recent addition to the Cothran Center offerings for students. In 2021 and 2023, we focused on the history of civil rights as we traveled through Alabama. In 2022, we visited numerous sites in Georgia to learn about immigration issues and impacts (as seen in the photo above). These domestic travel programs have been powerful, eye-opening opportunities. Below are several student quotes regarding their experiences:

“I have a different perspective of vocation now. I look at it in a way that makes me more curious about my surroundings and makes me want to get to know the stories behind every individual I meet. Everyone has a story to share that would be reflective in my own life and I appreciate that my eyes have opened up in a new perspective.”

“In the past I have heard vocation described as ‘what the world needs from me’. Before the program this didn’t speak very much to me; however, after some of my experiences, I am thinking about how to incorporate even more activism into my future career, and how can those plans benefit and uplift a wider variety of people.”

“In regards to vocation, the [Fall Break Program] provided real-life examples of how we can fully integrate our passions and work. As someone who wants to work in a variety of fields but is similarly driven by my own principles, I felt seen by everyone we met and traveled with through exploring this understanding of vocation.”