What’s Calling You Now?  June 8-11, 2023 

Through the Becherer “What’s Calling You Now?” Alumni Programs

It is a powerful question for Furman alumni of all ages. The first part—“What’s calling you”—recognizes we are each designed for a life of purpose and impact. The second part—“now”—acknowledges our calling changes over time.


The retreat offered attendees opportunities to reflect upon their talents, passions, experiences, and reason for being. Participants learned about vocational reflection, the journeys of others, and themselves. The retreat created time and space to slow down, to pause, to connect or reconnect with fellow alumni and with oneself.


The 2023 retreat featured educator & facilitator, Amy Seefeldt. Amy has been an educator for twenty-three years and spent five years founding the Centre for Imagination at the Woodstock School in India, dedicated to re-imagining education in ways that better place vocation at the nexus, so that people might find and create their authentic places in the world.

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