Admissions Blog Posts

Take a Pause and Reflect Back

Last updated January 16, 2024

By Pratik Shrestha

Furman students are always busy with rigorous academics and vibrant social life. Even though the bustle of college life is never-ending, Furman has a space where you can take a pause and just reflect on your experiences and yourself. My journey at Furman took a transformative turn when I engaged with the Cothran Center for Vocational Reflection and Exploration of Vocation Ministry (EVM). These spaces do not just help you reflect; they are the place for profound personal growth and clarity.

Cothran Center for Vocational Reflection

The Cothran Center became my haven for exploring my purpose and calling. It encouraged me to dig deeper into three essential questions: Who am I authentically? What do I believe deeply? What does the world need from me? These simple yet profound questions became the foundation of my journey to a meaningful life. Here, through various programs and resources, I discovered the importance of vocational exploration and reflective engagement.

One of the most impactful experiences was the Cothran Center’s retreats. These retreats, focused on vocational reflection, provided a much-needed escape from the daily grind of campus life. I remember one retreat at Ashbury Hills, just a 45-minute drive from campus. We stayed overnight, engaged in team-building games, listened to stories from seniors about their vocational journeys, and participated in reflection activities. It was a transformative experience, especially writing my reflections on the bank of a river, surrounded by nature. This retreat was a breath of fresh air, clearing my mind and renewing my focus.

Another pivotal experience was the Fall Break program. We traveled through Georgia, exploring immigration issues. As an international student, this trip was particularly resonant. It opened my eyes to new perspectives on vocation and made me understand the complexities of migration. This experience helped me see vocation not just as a personal journey, but as a societal responsibility. The insights and stories from fellow students during this trip profoundly shaped my understanding of vocation as an intersection of personal passion and societal needs.

For prospective students, the Summer Connections program at the Cothran Center is a fantastic opportunity. It’s a week-long program on the Furman campus, where you’re immersed in a community of open-minded peers, guided by experienced mentors and teachers. It’s not just about making connections; it’s about exploring your “life stories” and discerning your vocation. The mix of classes, workshops, and journaling exercises provides a comprehensive approach to vocational discernment.

Exploration of Vocation and Ministry (EVM)

EVM (Exploration of Vocation and Ministry) at Furman University offered me a unique perspective on vocation, focusing on my faith and values. As a participant, I engaged in weekly discussions where we openly shared our beliefs and values. These conversations were more than just talks; they were a bridge connecting people from diverse backgrounds, creating a vibrant community that I’m proud to be a part of. The program’s richness lies in its variety of events and retreats, each offering a deeper exploration of our vocational paths.

One of the key aspects of EVM is the internship requirement, which is tailored to our vocational interests. As an Information Technology major with a minor in Data Analytics, I’ve always been passionate about technology and helping people. Through EVM, I found a way to merge these interests into a vocation that excites and fulfills me. My internship, aligned with my academic pursuits, allowed me to apply my knowledge in real-world scenarios, reinforcing my belief that technology can be a powerful tool for good. EVM has taught me that vocation is more than a job—it’s a way of living that embodies who I am and what I believe in.


Pratik Shrestha

Class of 2026