Admissions Blog Posts

Home Sweet Home: Poteat Hall

Last updated February 1, 2022

By Olivia Pearson

What does home look like at Furman? 

Transitioning from high school, living at home to now going to school and living in the same place was big for me. I am an only child who was born and raised in the same place and went to the same small, private school from kindergarten to graduation. I had my own room my whole life and always had a place to go to if I needed alone time. Therefore, going to college was a scary thought for me, I was so used to this lifestyle I had made in growing up. But then came move in day, August 8th, 2021:

Poteat Hall, my new home. I nervously unpacked and filled my room with items that felt like “home”. I now had a roommate and my life was now lived out of a 14×16 dorm room. This became my spot, my safe place. It took a few nights to get settled in of course, but throughout it all my sweet little dorm room felt like my own place. I was in a sense out in the world with a place that was mine (and my roommate’s of course). This was a new feeling for me. I got to decorate this space how I wanted and choose what went on inside this room. My dorm room would become the place where I got ready each morning, came back to for my afternoon naps, and did my homework. 

Furman does an amazing job of making people feel like they are at home, when in reality many of us are hundreds if not thousands of miles away from our true homes. So what does housing look like at Furman? Throughout your years here you transition from communal dorms, to suites, and finally to the apartments. Everyone lives on campus here at Furman and I love that! It keeps campus feeling full and allows the fun to happen right here on campus. Being a freshman I have only experienced the communal dorm life here at Furman, but I have loved it! It was been an amazing learning experience for myself and allowed me to meet some of my best friends. 

If you have any questions about housing or Furman in general, please reach out!

-Olivia Pearson