Admissions Blog Posts

Introducing me and my 2022 Furman resolutions!

Last updated January 31, 2022

By Renee Neves

Hi!! My name is TJ Robertson and I’m from Rock Hill, South Carolina. Furman is such a magical place and I am super excited to be sharing my Furman experience with you all this upcoming semester!

Here are a few of my college-related goals for 2022!

Organization – Last semester was amazing, but it felt unorganized and chaotic at times. At Furman, many people are involved with many things. From club sports, to organizations, to service, the sky is the limit at Furman. However, getting over-involved is often a challenge for many students, including myself. It has caused me to not prioritize my school work and live a very unorganized and unbalanced life. This semester, I want to recognize what things should be prioritized in my life, such as academics. In addition, I want to get into more of a routine every day: Waking up at 9ish, getting work done in the morning, going to classes, going to meetings, exercising, and hopefully getting to bed by 12. While this likely may not happen exactly as plan, my life will be way more fluid if I adopt these new practices!

Health – Ah yes, the stereotypical new year’s resolution: being healthier. In college, you often have so many things to do that it is easy to forget about your health. While exercise is always important, this goes way beyond physical health. I have been persistent on exercising, but often I felt that I put my sleep and diet on the backburner. This semester, I hope to get more sleep as well as maintain a (relatively) healthy diet. Little things like getting more sleep and eating healthier can go a long way. Also, I need to make sure I maintain my mental health. While this was not too much of an issue last semester, I should make time for myself and my social life, to ensure my college experience is worth-while!

Academic Interests – The joy of going to Furman, a small liberal-arts school, is that you are able to explore many different academic disciplines. With a person as indecisive as me, it has been difficult figuring out what subject truly interests me. This semester, I want to take more classes that will help me handle this internal crisis. Luckily, at Furman you do not have to declare a major until the end of sophomore year, but still, I would love to have an idea sometime this year!

At Furman, things are constantly changing and evolving, so I’m ready to see what this new year has to bring! I cannot wait for an awesome semester, and I will check back in soon!!

-TJ Robertson