Admissions Blog Posts

Finding Second Semester Motivation

Last updated January 29, 2021

By Web Admin

Two months is a long time to be home with no school work, no responsibilities, and no schedule. As much as I thought I would hate being away from campus for 2 months, it was actually a much needed break! Being at home with my family, dogs, and hometown friends was so much fun and it made coming back to campus just a little bit hard. I loved getting to sleep in every morning and do whatever I wanted each day instead of sitting through lectures and studying. Part of me was just wanting to stay at home and be with my family, but as soon as I got back to campus, everything felt right again. Seeing my friends and walking into my dorm room was so sweet! After walking around campus, I knew I was back home.

The one part of second semester that I just couldn’t get excited about though was class. I was not looking forward to having loads of work every day and stressing about the next exam or essay coming up. I knew that the classes I’m taking this semester would be really challenging so the thought of spending so much time studying just sounded miserable. Having about 10 textbooks really set the tone for me. After my first day of classes, I started feeling SO much better because each professor was so nice and understanding.

I already had loads of homework pilling up, but after getting started, it didn’t seem as bad as I was making it out to be. Getting past the first few days was the hardest part, but once I actually started to focus and get my work done, I felt so productive. I know it can be so hard to get back into the normal schedule after break, but finding things on campus that you love can make it easier. Treat yourself to a smoothie from the lib cafe, hang out with your friends, grab a DH cookie, and find your favorite study spot!

Once you get past the first few days of class, it’s easier to get back in the normal swing of things. Find some classes that you can enjoy and balance your schedule. Coming back to campus can be a weird shift, especially freshman year, but before you know it everything is all back to normal!!

ALL the love!
