Admissions Blog Posts


Last updated November 7, 2019

By Web Admin

We have officially made it through midterms! So you all know what that means… it’s time to sit back, breathe a little, and fall back into our finally established routines. As a freshman, settling into Furman came easily for me. I never was hit with the homesick plague (sorry mom!!) and I was able to quickly learn and navigate the DH and Furman Hall with only a few minor errors. And, luckily for me, I’ve only accidentally slept through one 8:30 class. So all in all, I’d say this first half of my first ever college semester went pretty well. 

 Being someone who appreciates fashion, noticing trends is something that I love to do whenever life places me in a new environment. Therefore, as everyone settles down from the crazy of midterms, it has allowed me to notice a few of the prominent trends Furman has adopted this first semester. 

The first and most colorful of the trends being the TINSEL TAKEOVER! 

To uncover just how this trend took the campus by storm I went directly to the source of the madness, Claire Gillaspy! This trend started when Claire brought her summer camp tradition with her at the start of the school year. Starting by putting tinsel in her inner circle’s hair and then slowly tinsel was taking SOHO by storm. Girls and boys both embracing the sparkles. This fad spread to the upperclassman quickly… and who knows faculty next?! All I know is that I definitely plan on rocking the tinsel for the next four years. And I would be lying if I told you I haven’t had my Spanish professor ask me where I got my tinsel done as I was leaving the classroom. 

 I’m proud to say that this campus-wide trend actually started by a freshman, just another example of how even as an underclassman you can have a BIG (SPARKLY) impact here at Furman. 

Another trend I’ve noticed here at Furman is the FLANNEL PHENOMENON.

Yes, I know this is SOUTH Carolina, but when that temp drops to a brisk 65, you can bet your DH cookies that every single male on this campus breaks out one of his 25 flannels, continuing to cycle through the slightly different variations of the same red or blue flannel until it warms back up. Now I’ve got nothing against flannels, other than the fact that it makes distinguishing whos-who from far away kinda difficult or knowing if that really is your friend from class or just another boy who owns the exact same Target flannel. Funny thing is, even the girls have added some flannels to their wardrobe rotation and I have definitely seen some professors adopting this trend for a good casual Friday look. 

From left-right: Jonah Dill, Owen Cannon, Ben Stover, and Kent Michaels. All Freshman

I guess you could say the moral of the story, word (and flannels/tinsel) travel fast around Furman. So, if you ever need someone to put tinsel in your hair …. I know a girl and if you are looking for a flannel to borrow… just yell down a boy’s hall and watch the hundreds of flannels pour out. But hey! This is just halfway through the first semester, there are plenty more trends to overcome Furman. 

Stay Tuned,

Rosemary Cruse