Paul & Daisy Soros Fellowships for New Americans

Purpose:  This program is established in recognition of the contributions new Americans have made to American life and in gratitude for the opportunities the United States has afforded the donors and their family. The fellowships provide opportunities for continuing generations of able and accomplished new Americans to achieve leadership in their chosen fields. A fellow may pursue a graduate degree in any professional field or scholarly discipline in the arts (including fine arts and performing arts), humanities, social sciences, and sciences at any accredited graduate program in the United States.

Eligibility:  A “New American” is an individual who has applied for naturalization, has been naturalized as a U.S. citizen, or is the child of two parents who are both naturalized citizens. “Applied for naturalization” includes possession of an INS green card and more than one year of IRS filings. Those eligible are New Americans between the ages of 20 and 28 who are seniors in college, recent recipients of a bachelor’s degree, or graduate students.

The Scholarship:  Each fellowship carries a personal stipend and a tuition grant of one-half of the tuition cost of the graduate program attended by the Fellow (paid directly to the institution). The award is for up to two years, with the possibility of a third year. Thirty fellowships are offered each year.

Selection Criteria:  Candidates must demonstrate the relevance of graduate education to their long-term career goals and its potential in enhancing their contributions to society. Fellowships are not awarded solely on the basis of academic record. A successful candidate will give evidence of satisfying at least two of the following three criteria: (1) Creativity, originality and initiative, demonstrated in any area; (2) Commitment to and capacity for accomplishment, demonstrated through activity that has required drive and sustained effort; and (3) Commitment to the values expressed in the Bill of Rights and the United States Constitution.

Application:  Includes an information form, two essays on specified topics, and documentation of the applicant’s “new American” status.

References:  Two letters of recommendation and a letter of endorsement.

For additional information:  Visit the Soros Fellowships website.