National Science Foundation Graduate Fellowships

Background:  The National Science Foundation (NSF) seeks to ensure the strength, vitality, and diversity of American scientists by awarding about 1,000 graduate and minority fellowships each year. Fellowships are restricted to American citizens and are awarded to students pursuing research-based degrees in science (including social science), mathematics, and engineering.

The Fellowships:  A yearly stipend plus tuition and fees for three years for study at institutions both in the United States and throughout the world.

The Application:  The application consists of an information form, a concise statement of educational objectives as they relate to long-range professional goals, the name of the university the candidate wishes to attend, research experience, a two-page plan of study or research, a transcript, and GRE scores.

Who Should Apply:  Students with high grades (3.8) and excellent GRE scores who plan to earn a Ph.D. in the sciences, mathematics, or engineering. GREs must be taken before December; high scores (at least 90th percentile) in the analytical and quantitative sections of the general test and on the subject test in the major are essential for success.

References:  Four, all from faculty in the major.

For More Information:  Visit the NSF Graduate Research Fellowship website.