Boren Scholarships & Fellowships for International Study

Background:  The National Security Education Program (NSEP) was established by Congress in 1991 to provide funds for international study and thus equip young Americans with an understanding of less commonly taught languages, create a base of future international leaders who will help this country make sound decisions on global problems, and enhance institutional capacity in international studies.  David L. Boren was the principal author of the legislation that established this program.

The Scholarships:  Up to $10,000 for a semester (term) or $20,000 a year, depending on the student’s financial need as certified by the Financial Aid Office. Although this scholarship is based on merit, need determines the amount of support. It is available to students in all classes and all majors.

Application:  The lengthy application asks students to select a study abroad option in a non-western European country. Students must lay out a program of language study (not in French or German; Spanish at an advanced level is acceptable for those interested in Latin America) and program course work related to important global issues affecting national security. They must show a link between their proposed study and their career goals. There is a two-part statement of purpose. For freshmen and sophomores, a summer or semester-long program is acceptable; for junior and seniors, academic year programs are required. Transcripts for at least two years of academic work are required; freshmen and sophomores must submit high school transcripts.

Who Should Apply:  This scholarship program is open to all classes, freshmen through seniors, and also covers graduate study. Good grades (3.5 gpa), language facility, and a defined interest in international issues are important. Note: Students may apply for support to study in China or Japan through Furman’s programs. Students in all majors, especially business and science, are encouraged to apply.

References:  Minimum of two, maximum of three, with at least two from faculty members.

For More Information:  Visit the Boren Awards website.