
Mozaik group members set their sights on providing an educational...
MBA – Music Battery Ambassadors
The Music Battery Ambassadors (MBA) chose the Music Battery as...
Music is the Medium
The project is a collaborative mentoring program between the Charleston...
New Vision
The New Vision project concept is to develop an implementation...
Nine 4 Youth
Nine 4 Youth group members are playing a critical role...
95 North
Children and parents often spend a large amount of time...
Opening South Carolina to Teach for America
Teach for America, a national non-profit organization that places new...
Opportunity Bridge
Opportunity Bridge identified a partnership with Bridges to a Brighter...
Option 5
Option Five is a group of people with an exceptionally...
OTB: Out of the Box
Team OTB (Out of the Box) partnered with Wachovia, a...