For alumni and friends
of the university

Scene and Be Seen

Members of the Furman family celebrated the launch of Clearly Furman, the Campaign for Our Third Century, at a variety of events this year.

clearly furman logo

Page 1: Members of the Furman family toasted Furman’s Third Century at the Purple Party, held on campus during the Clearly Furman campaign launch on April 15.

Page 2: Friends and alumni gathered for the Clearly Furman launch event in New York City on June 1.

Furman Trustee Chair Kevin Byrne ’91
Laurie Andrus Clough ’86 and John Clough ’85 pose for a photo in a mobile photo booth.
Alumni share the difference Furman made in their lives, including Todd Malo ’95 (foreground), Trustee Jason Richards ’01 and Suzanne Cioffi Malo ’94 (background).
From left: Kylie Gambrill ’23 and Trustee Yendelela Neely Holston ’03.
From left: Molly Ballenger ’23, Caroline Nguyen ’23 and Marion Davis ’23.
Shekinah Lightner ’20 and Jaylon Goodwin ’20 gather at the Clearly Furman Young Alumni Celebration on April 14.
Furman Trustee Kevin Bryant ’85 and President Elizabeth Davis.
Echo Wu ’11, president of the New York City FAN Club (Furman Advantage Network) and others attend a presentation about the data analytics program by Furman Mathematics Professor Kevin Hutson.
From left: Sam Macey ’21, Griffin Mills ’21 and Bryan Colhoun ’18