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AG Wilson speaks on Obamacare, state’s rights and U.S. Consititution

Last updated February 17, 2016

By Furman News

OCTOBER 19, 2012
by Shannice Singletary ’ 14, Contributing Writer

South Carolina Attorney General Alan Wilson was scheduled to lecture on “South Carolina and the Obama Administration” Thursday.

But his presentation quickly turned into something else.

“I’m going to put this to the side. We’re going to have a conversation,” Wilson stated as he moved the podium to the side, choosing instead to work the room with a presence that was both knowledgeable and entertaining.

“So how many people here know how many constitutional officers are in the state of South Carolina? Or even what a constitutional officer is?”

To say that a majority of the crowd was ill prepared for a pop quiz is putting it mildly.

Wilson smiled.

“No brave souls?…Well what I’m going to do is teach you. You’re going to walk away with some nickel knowledge.”

Wilson is the 51st Attorney General of South Carolina, and the youngest in the United States.  The conservative joked that “when I got elected I didn’t go looking for fights. They found me.”

Wilson may be recognized as the son of Congressman Joe Wilson, of infamous ‘You Lie!’ fame. The son, though, was a little more eloquent in his criticisms of the Obama Administration.

Wilson has been on the front line of the battles between South Carolina and Obama Administration. From healthcare to labor relations and voter registration he has been the state’s spokesperson against a federal government that, he says, is overreaching and at times, unconstitutional

“I am not against [Obamacare]. There are parts of it that are okay,” he said. “The reason I don’t want it to go into effect is because it violates the U.S. Constitution…and my role as attorney general is to follow the constitution.”

Wilson addressed the recently passed South Carolina Voter ID law, which requires voters to present picture identification before casting a ballot. Critics of the law say it will suppress turnout among minorities and seniors. Wilson told his audience the law is a fail-safe to keep fraudulent voting to a minimum.

In a candid and conversational tone, Wilson also expounded on the rights of states while preaching the dangers of federal government largess.

“A government big enough to give you everything you want is big enough to take everything you have.”

Wilson’s visit was sponsored by the College Republicans.

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