For alumni and friends
of the university

Letter from the Office of Alumni and Parent Engagement: After the Buzzer

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By Clayton Moyer ’19

In March, I had the opportunity to witness “the shot heard around the world” when the Furman men’s basketball team upset the fourth-seeded Virginia Cavaliers. The experience was even more meaningful because I was with my college roommates and fraternity brothers. Over the next 48 hours, we celebrated with other alumni, faculty and supporters from around the country.

What makes this moment special was the distinct memory and story I will be able to tell years down the road. Memories and stories are what make life richer, more whimsical and exciting. It is also one of my favorite things about meeting fellow alumni. Every alumnus took a different path to become who they are – whether they graduated in 2023 or 1923; the collection of stories and memories that we take with us is what makes us unique.

Recently, I was fortunate to be elected president of the Young Alumni Council – a group that consists of 45 members who graduated within the past 15 years – with the mission to promote young alumni fellowship, participate in university activities, advise the Alumni Board and ultimately welcome storytellers into the Alumni Association. Every chance I get to interact with alumni, I relish their stories not only about their time at Furman but about the lives and careers they’ve built that were shaped by their Furman experience. Some stories that make me a proud graduate include those about helping fellow alumni make new friends when they move to a new city, passing a resume along to human resources to assist a ’Din in landing a new job, and standing by a best friend as he hears his loved one utter, “I do.”

I hope people reading this take a moment to reflect upon their stories and memories from Furman. Here are five tips to maximizing life as an alumnus:

1. Leave a legacy: Each of us adds a unique chapter to the university’s narrative. Your impact today
shapes the experiences of tomorrow’s students and graduates. Engage in alumni events, support
athletics, and champion advocacy initiatives to drive positive change at Furman.

2. Strengthen your personal alumni community: Is there a friend, classmate, mentor or neighbor who you
keep telling yourself you should reach out to? Start small. There are over 30 Furman Advantage
Networks (FAN) nationwide to help you get started. Learn more at

3. Career connections: Engage in creating opportunities for connections, mentoring, potential job
opportunities. For professional development, visit the Alumni Learning Community at

4. Pay it forward: Remember the mentors and opportunities that shaped your time at Furman? Now, you
have the chance to give back. Your support as a volunteer or donor fuels scholarships, programs and
research, ensuring that Furman continues to thrive.

5. Share your stories and memories: You chose Furman for a reason, and your time there has contributed
to shaping the person you are today.

Clayton Moyer ’19 is a finance manager with Lowe’s Home Improvement in Charlotte, North Carolina. He is serving a two-year term as president of the Young Alumni Council.