Admissions Blog Posts


Last updated March 19, 2024

By Sarah Carroll

Furman has so many opportunities for students to take advantage of when they’re on campus. But what happens when they graduate? My name is Gracie Carroll and I sat down with Noah Dolhare, class of 2022, and asked him some questions about how Furman impacted his life after graduation. Noah majored in Spanish but took a strong interest in business classes. He now works for Wells Fargo in Charlotte, NC!

What did you do after graduation?

“After graduation, I took a break and visited my family in Argentina. I was able to spend time with them while living in a new environment for multiple months, and I’m definitely better off because of it. Furman was amazing but taking that time in between school and my job made the transition a little easier. Now, I work for Wells Fargo as a Fixed Income Analyst in Charlotte, North Carolina.”

What are some skills that you learned at Furman that you’ve translated into your job?

“I was on the Cross Country and track team while I was at Furman, so I definitely think my time management skills have improved. Also, the small class sizes gave me the opportunity to have personal connections with my professors, so I also think that my communication skills are better now than they were before Furman.”

What was your favorite thing about Furman?

“My favorite thing about Furman is probably the community. The school is relatively small but what we lack in population we make up for in character- whether its little things like holding the door for each other or knowing I will always be able to find someone to sit with in the library, I never felt like I was isolated or alone.”

Why Furman?

“I chose Furman not only for their outstanding running program, but I was also drawn in by their reputation for prestigious academics. On top of that, Greenville is beautiful. I stayed at Furman because I made great friends and thrived in the classroom- the classes are hard, that wasn’t a lie. But it pushed me to do better, and I grew a lot from that.”

What is one thing you could tell your freshman year self?

“Be where your feet are. I got caught up on petty stuff and I wish I would’ve stopped and enjoyed the moment a bit more.”


As a junior, I know that I still have a lot to learn about myself and I have a lot to learn from Furman. But luckily, I have some great role models- current students and alumni- to look to for advice and for inspiration. This conversation with Noah has given me more confidence as I look to my future plans post-grad but has also reminded me of what kind of experience I want to have at Furman while I still have the chance. I need to take advantage of every opportunity and spend time in the moment with my best friends!


To conclude our interview, I asked Noah what he missed most about the school he loved so much:

“I miss my friends, I miss being able to run with my team, and I miss those dining hall cookies.”