Admissions Blog Posts

LDOC and all the mixed emotions that come with it!

Last updated December 13, 2021

By Web Admin

As I’m writing this blog post, it is currently LDOC. Yes, yes, yes, another Furman acronym. LDOC stands for the last day of classes. LDOC always stirs up a variety of emotions in me. Being the last day of class, I always get a tiny bit sentimental sitting in class. I often reflect about how the semester flew by. I am always surprised at how fast it flies by even though I know it always will. So much can happen in a semester. Growth, set-backs, new opportunities, new friends, and everything in between.

LDOC is hitting me a little harder than usual this time around. Next semester, I will be studying abroad in Stockholm, Sweden. I will be taking psychology courses, exploring Europe, and hopefully making new friends! While I am so excited what the experience will bring along and to share that with you all next semester, LDOC this semester means I will not be back on Furman’s campus until August of next year. That is crazy to think about! I have really had such a great semester and it’s meant even more knowing next semester I will be abroad.

LDOC really allows me to take a step back and appreciate the fun moments I had on campus this semester. I feel like this is a perfect time to recap some of my favorite events on campus this semester! So without further-ado, here are my top 3 Furman memories from this semester (in no particular order!):

  1. Winter Village
    • This past Sunday FUSAB (the student activities board) put on a winter wonderland village on the Furman mall. I didn’t really know what to expect going into it, but they were advertising a bunch of yummy goodies and fun activities. Just to give you guys an idea, the food menu included cotton candy, popcorn, pretzels, hot chocolate, grilled cheese and tomato soup. Yum!!!!! They were also offering horse carriage rides around the mall, which seemed SO fun and random on a Sunday afternoon! They also had puppies come in and hang out with us AND mini Christmas tree decorating. There were string lights hung up above the tents and different artists providing live music. It really gave off a warm, cozy, Christmas-y vibe. It was FUSAB’s last event of the semester and it really was the cherry on top to end the semester and start finals week.
  2. Rocky Horror Picture Show
    • The Rocky Horror Picture Show was put on by Pauper Players the weekend of Halloween. It was their 3rd annual showing of it. I went my freshman year with my best friend and we absolutely loved it. We’ve been going ever since and it’s been become one of our favorite parts of Halloween! This year some of our good friends were even in it, so it was a great time to get out there and support them.
  3. Dins after Dark
    • Dins after Dark is an event for freshman only put on by Orientation Staff during Fall Orientation. It’s one of my favorite events of the year because it really sets the tone. It takes place before classes start, so there’s no stress of homework or tests. It was so sweet to connect more with freshman and watch them interact with each other and make new friends! We had so many different activities like friendship bracelet making, painting, a comedy show, a DJ, and of course lots of photo opportunities!

This whole semester has been a blast with so many surprises and opportunities for growth. I can’t wait to tell you guys about my adventures abroad in the Spring!

