Admissions Blog Posts

Stress Relief During Exams

Last updated November 27, 2020

By Web Admin

I don’t know about you, but exams can be one of the most stressful times for me! You feel way too overwhelmed with all of the work and studying you have to do and it’s all about to determine your final grades. It can seem like a lot… BUT, one of the most important things is that you still need to find time for yourself and ways you can relax!! As exam season is approaching us this semester, I wanted to share some of my favorite stress relievers.

1. Find time to do things that make you happy

During all the craziness and stress, you need to find time for yourself somewhere in there. I know you’re so busy and there’s so much to do between studying for finals, writing that final essay, and finishing up a final project, but find your happiness. Take time out of your day to do something that makes you happy! I am obsessed with my dogs, so getting to take some time to go on a walk with them or just relax and cuddle always makes me so happy! Find an activity that always makes you smile and give yourself the time to enjoy it. Even though life is crazy, you always have time for your own happiness.

2. Exercise

Moving your body and getting some fresh air always makes you feel better. I’m not necessarily the type that loves to work out, trust me… but I know that it really does make me feel better if I’m really stressed. Going on a run outside is so nice to get some fresh air, or yoga is always a big stress reliever! If you’re mad or just need to let some anger out, try a good kickboxing routine. I know that might sound weird, but in all honesty, it’s SO fun!!

3. Treat yo self!!

You’re working hard and you deserve something special. Go to your favorite restaurant, get your favorite food, buy yourself a milkshake or a coffee. Whatever you want to do, but take a deep breath and enjoy your treat because you DESERVE IT!! (PSA – Chick-fil-a just released their Peppermint Milkshake…YUM)

4. Listen to good music or watch a show you like

Whenever I put on my favorite music, I’m immediately happier and more relaxed. If you can find enough free time to just sit down and watch your favorite show or shuffle your favorite playlist, do it!! Some people can listen to music while they study, but I always get way too distracted. I’ll take some study breaks where I can just jam out to my favorite songs, or I’ll go on long drives at night with the windows down and music blaring– these are always the best. This time of year Hallmark movies are my go to! Sitting with my family watching the cheesiest Christmas movies and looking at our Christmas tree brings me all kinds of joy.

5. Get sleep

I don’t care when your final is or how much studying you have to do, getting enough sleep is one of the best things you can do for yourself. Your body needs it and you will feel so much better if you let yourself rest. Staying up late and pulling all nighters can make you feel so tired for so many days, and you know you don’t want to feel that way during exams. Shut those books, turn off your phone, and actually get some sleep!

No matter what, just make sure you’re taking care of yourself during these times where you may be especially stressed. Take a deep breath and know that you’re doing your best and everything will work out in the end!

ALL the love!
