
Proposals should be written in non‐technical language. The language of the proposal should match the “Intent of the Cultural Life Program” above. Sponsors ensure that the Committee receives all relevant information regarding content, format, and credentials. Proposals must be submitted electronically using the approved form.

Sponsors will not obfuscate or mislead the CLP Committee in any way. The title and content of the event cannot change for event advertising or orchestration. The date and time for an outstanding proposal cannot be changed unless the event is to be moved to a later date in the term, and only if the appropriate administrative office is given two weeks notice to staff the event. The Committee chair and appropriate administrative personnel must approve any changes.


Sponsors should submit events as early as possible. The Committee recommends beginning the submission process at least five weeks before the event. This process includes preliminary conversations with the Committee chair if necessary, obtaining confirmation of a campus room reservation, and electronic submission. The Committee will consider submitted (or resubmitted) proposals at its weekly meetings during fall and spring terms (excluding breaks and university holidays). It will only consider proposals for events scheduled two weeks or more from the day of submission (or resubmission). Summer proposals will be reviewed as necessary.

Overbooked Dates

Ordinarily, no more than three CLP events may be scheduled on the same day. When events are submitted, program administrators will notify the sponsor and Committee chair if three events are already planned for the proposed date of the event (thus disqualifying the new proposal from consideration). Any exceptions to the “three-event rule” will have to be approved by the Committee.


Once the Committee has reviewed a proposal, the Committee chair will notify the sponsor of the Committee’s decision. Three decisions are possible. The Committee may choose to accept the proposal as written. The Committee may choose to deny the proposal. In the event that a proposal is rejected, the Committee will provide the sponsor with an explanation. Finally, the Committee may choose a “revise and resubmit” option and detail the specific changes that would bring the event into compliance with the guidelines. A revise and resubmit decision allows the sponsor to submit a revised proposal for Committee review. Sponsors revising proposals must remain aware of timing requirements. The Committee will consider a revised proposal at its next scheduled meeting.