News from campus and beyond

Furman Percussion Ensemble concert Dec. 2

Last updated November 22, 2013

By Furman News

The Furman Percussion Ensemble will present a concert Monday, Dec. 2 at 8 p.m. in Daniel Recital Hall on the Furman campus.

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The concert is open to the public. Tickets are $5 for adults and $3 for students.

Directed by Furman faculty member Dr. Omar Carmenates, the one-hour concert will feature a wide range of 20th and 21st century music including Edgard Varèse’s “Ionisation,” a world premiere performance of “Gravity” by Chicago-based composer Marc Mellits, and a unique work for bowed vibraphone quartet entitled “Postludes” by Eliot Cole. The concert will close with Pulitzer Prize winning composer Steve Reich’s massive “Sextet” scored for four percussionists and two pianists.

Before the concert, a “Percussion Petting Zoo” will be featured where audience members may tour the stage to see and play the more than 40 instruments available. Dr. Carmenates and members of the Furman Percussion Ensemble will also be onstage to answer questions about the instruments.

Also, the Furman Percussion Ensemble extends an invitation to participate in its annual “come-one-come-all” performance of Phil Kline’s roaming holiday sound sculpture “Unsilent Night” Wednesday, Dec. 11 at 7 p.m. outside McAlister Auditorium on the Furman campus. The only requirements are: 1) a device that can play music such as a boom box or a mobile device, and 2) the ability to roam campus for approximately 40 minutes. Email Dr. Carmenates for more information or to participate,

For more information about the concert, contact the Furman University Music Department at 864-294-2086, or

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