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Alumnus, former Furman professor ruminates about video game

Last updated January 19, 2022

By Tina Underwood

The Chronicle of Higher Education’s “Daily Briefing” polled readers about their favorite video games during college. Furman alumnus Zach Kelehear, professor and vice provost at Augusta University, in Georgia, chimed in.

“As I was traveling across the campus from the dining hall at Furman University, when walking through the student center, I was pulled to the dark side of my being, as Pong called my name. This game gathered momentum until my predictable, and usually early, demise. I am regularly thankful to have escaped my Latin and history undergraduate studies at this small liberal-arts university before the arrival of today’s video games. Had I met them earlier in my academic career, I fear I would never have found out how Caesar’s ‘Gallic Wars’ turned out,” he wrote.

Kelehear received his Furman bachelor’s in history and Latin and literature in 1981, and a master’s in education in 1982. He holds a doctorate in curriculum and instruction from North Carolina State University (1993). As a professor at Furman in the 90s, he was the recipient of several teaching awards. His research interests lie in arts-based leadership.

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