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Women’s Leadership Institute accepting Applications and nominations until April 2

Last updated March 24, 2021

By Furman News

In a year marked with extreme uncertainty and change, organizations are facing workforce decisions that will have significant impacts for years to come.  As a participant in these important decisions, you need to ensure that you and your employees are best equipped to meet the challenges of the new normal.  Furman University’s Center for Corporate and Professional Development is here to help you do just that.

It’s no secret that women are a critical demographic for the success and competitiveness of organizations.  But did you know that numerous studies find that businesses with significant representation of women at the highest levels of the organization realize up to 50% higher profits and share price?

With Furman University’s Center for Corporate and Professional Development now accepting applications and nominations to the Women’s Leadership Institute, this is the perfect time to invest in yourself and your organization. The Women’s Leadership Institute at Furman University is a leadership training program for both existing leaders and developing leaders. This curriculum is focused on teaching participants evidence-based leadership theory and practical application of these theories to help them inspire followers, lead groups, and achieve organizational goals—all in the context of better understanding the unique challenges women face in the workplace.

This year’s program theme is “Leading In Times of Crisis.” Led by distinguished Furman faculty, prominent business and non-profit leaders, and experienced coaches, the sessions will focus on the most critical leadership competencies for individuals (as identified by over 200 leaders and past program participants, academic research, and consultation of leading executive leadership development professionals).

Target program participant:  mid- to senior- level leaders (typical titles include manager to senior manager, director to senior director, and C-suite)
Participants will grow the following competencies:

•             Leading Teams
•             Accepting and Giving Feedback
•             Communicating Effectively
•             Facilitating Difficult Conversations
•             Negotiating
•             Navigating Office Politics
•            Conveying Vision and Strategy
•             Innovating through Design Thinking
•             Adapting and Pivoting
•             Respect Inequality and Bias
•             Developing Networks
•             Dealing with Increased Complexity

Additional Details:

Dates:  April 15, 2021 to June 1, 2021 (seven weeks, Tuesdays and Thursdays)
Time:  11:30 a.m. EST – 1:00 p.m. EST
Delivery Method:  LIVE virtually through Zoom
Cost:  $1,499 (partial scholarships available for participants in need of assistance)

To apply to participate in the Women’s Leadership Institute, submit your application here. Applicants must be accepted in order to participate. Application information.

To nominate someone else for consideration, submit your nomination here.  By nominating someone, you are recognizing and rewarding her demonstration of leadership and potential growth. Your nominee will receive an invitation to apply to the program. Nomination information.

The deadline to apply or nominate a participant is April 2, 2021. For more information, visit


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Clinton Colmenares
Director of News and Media Strategy