Admissions Blog Posts

Going Greek? What to know about sorority life at Furman!

Last updated July 14, 2023

By Carly Bailey

Going into my freshman year, I was against joining Greek life. Now, I’m on the executive council of my sorority. What changed? The short answer is me, but the long answer is my perspective on the Greek community at Furman. Furman’s Panhellenic community is a strong tight knit group of women who uplift, support, and encourage each other. While you are joining a specific sorority, you are also joining the Panhellenic sisterhood. This aspect was one that I was not prepared for, but became a joy upon entering Furman’s Greek life.

Something that is more unique about the rush process at Furman is that we have delayed recruitment. Students interested in participating in sorority recruitment arrive a few days before the spring semester starts and complete recruitment prior to the first day of class. This delayed process is beneficial because it gives students the opportunity to establish friends prior to joining a sisterhood. It also gives you a better idea of what being in the Greek community will be like through various events like “Meet the Greeks” and “Panhellenic Nights”. These events give potential new members the chance to see if Greek life is right for them and were what initially drew me to be interested in recruitment.

Although Furman no longer has Greek houses, there is a unique Greek housing option your sophomore year. Sorority or fraternity members can choose to live on a Greek hall in the Clark-Murphy housing complex. What is fantastic about this opportunity is that you still get the community feel of living with the Greek community while still being with the rest of the sophomores in Clark-Murphy. This past school year I chose to live on my sorority’s hall. It was such a fun experience that I would recommend to anyone who has gone through the rush process.

Around 28% of the student body is involved with Greek life, with more participation in sororities than fraternities. However, if Greek like is not for you, that is totally okay!

A lot has changed since my first day of freshman year and I am so happy I took a chance on Greek life. I’ve gotten to meet and interact with so many wonderful people and give back to various philanthropies and organizations. I thank my sorority and the Panhellenic community for helping me grow into the confident leader and person I am today. Even if you think Greek life isn’t for you, I strongly recommend giving it a chance!

Bella Shafer