Admissions Blog Posts


Last updated November 3, 2021

By Logan Coffee

You might know that Furman is 100% residential! What does this mean? Well, you–and every other Furman student–live on campus for all four of your college years. So basically, you’re a jump, skip, and a hop away from your closest friends! In this blog, I’ll tell you all about the different “neighborhoods” on campus and the benefits of attending a 100% residential university like Furman!

Class Communities

North Village!

We have three different “neighborhoods” on campus, and each corresponds to a different class! So, these are class communities, so to speak. South Housing is home to the freshman, Clark Murphy is home to the sophomores, and North Village is home to the juniors and seniors. No two communities are a far walk from the other; the longest walk you’d have from one to another would be about 15 minutes–from North Village to South Housing. 

Why 100% residential?

So, what are the benefits of living on campus all four years? Well, there are quite a few! 

  • You take steps to greater responsibility along the way! 
  • It’s easy to build friendships between different classes.
  • You’re close to all your academic and club interests.
  • You feel immersed in and connected to campus life.

Overall, being 100% residential allows the Furman community to grow stronger each year. 

Stepping Stones

Me in SOHO!

One unique aspect of living at Furman is the greater responsibility you take on as you move from one class community to another. As a freshman in South Housing, you’ll have a roommate and use communal hall bathrooms. I know, hall bathrooms might sound gross, BUT it’s a blessing knowing that you don’t have to clean the toilets, you’ll always have access to a shower when you want it, and you’ll make some friends this way! Then, as a sophomore in Clark Murphy, you’ll have a roommate, two suitemates, and share a bathroom between the four of you. At this time, you’ll get the privacy and convenience of your own bathroom, but you’ll take on more responsibility in keeping it clean! Finally, as a junior/senior in North Village, you’ll live in an apartment with three other people; you’ll each have your own bedroom, and there are two bathrooms, a living area, and a kitchen. By this time, you take on a lot more responsibility in cleaning your living space, likely cooking much of your own food (though you can still eat at the dining hall if you want!), and even washing dishes! These stepping stones allow Furman students to progress towards greater responsibility and face the independence that comes with adulthood in a gradual and progressive manner! So, you’ll have learned valuable skills–like learning to live with other people, learning to clean, and learning to navigate independence–by the time you graduate Furman and set out into the world!

Friendships Between Classes

Some upperclassmen friends!

At Furman, it’s SO easy to meet students in different classes from yourself. As a freshman, you have the opportunity to meet sophomores, juniors, and seniors because they basically live right next door! This opportunity does not often present itself at universities in which students live off-campus following freshman year; at these universities, it’s not unheard of for students to find their clique freshman year and then have trouble making new friends afterward. Furman is unique in that each student has the opportunity to meet new additions to the community every year! Many of us call this the “Seven Years of Friendship,” because you will likely have friends in the three classes above you (as a freshman), your own class, and then the three classes below you (as a senior). With these connections, you gain lifelong friends and a valuable support system. Having the upperclassmen close by is also wonderful as a freshman student. Underclassmen often go to juniors and seniors for advice, get involved in different clubs upon their recommendations, and feel more accepted and connected to campus after forming friendships with them. I know that I look up to many upperclassmen and already appreciate the constant support, welcome, and advice that I receive from the friends in the classes above me!

Around Academics

The lib is 5 mins from SOHO!

Because you live on campus for all four years, you never have to worry about a twenty-minute drive to class, intense highway traffic, or unavailable parking near your class buildings! Instead, you live a mere 5-15 minutes away from the academic center of campus. I know I appreciated the two-minute walk to class my freshman year! I could wake up for my 8:30am class at 8:20am and always make it on time; as a college student, this is a BIG deal ;). In addition to being near all the academic buildings, you also live near every club office and meeting spot. There are 155+ clubs offered at Furman–including volunteer organizations, Greek life, religious organizations, and even a chicken-wing tasting club, among others–and it’s nice to feel connected to these organizations all the time. Because you all live near one another, it’s easy to schedule meetings and plan events that everyone can attend!

Connection to Campus

If being close to friends, academics, and clubs isn’t enough, there’s more to get out of living on campus for all four years! Instead of losing touch with campus and seeing it less and less as you move up in the classes, you are able to experience campus life for many years. This means endless Furman lake walks, constant access to the Dining Hall and Pala-Den food courts, countless study dates in the James B. Duke Library, and daily songs from the Belltower. This means that Furman University truly becomes your home–not just because you attend classes here, but because your backyard is the Furman lake and your neighborhood includes your best friends. I try not to take these moments on campus for granted because this is only my home for four years! Your friends become more like family, and Furman becomes your home.

Overall, 100% residential means that Furman University fosters a supportive and connected environment. I know that I can walk to a friend’s room or apartment anytime–if I want to make cookies with an upperclassman in their kitchen, want to walk down the hall to hug a friend, or want to meet a huge group of people for a lake walk in a matter of 10 minutes. The 100% residential requirement at Furman has brought me a community of my closest friends, and they’re at the tip of my fingertips; what more could I ask for? 

Have a great rest of your week everyone! 

Love you all,

Logan 😀