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$50,000 in scholarships from Osher Foundation benefit adult reentry students

Last updated June 29, 2018

By Tina Underwood

Furman University Undergraduate Evening Studies (UES) has received a $50,000 grant from the Bernard Osher Foundation.

The grant supports UES Osher Reentry Scholarships for the 2018-19 academic year, enabling nontraditional adult learners (NALs) to continue or supplement their education. Furman will offer Osher Reentry Scholarships to eligible students enrolled in either Furman’s UES program or the university’s undergraduate day program.

Including Furman, there are 93 universities and colleges with an Osher Reentry Scholarship program across all 50 states and the District of Columbia.

Said Furman Vice President for Academic Affairs and Provost George Shields, “The grant from the Bernard Osher Foundation will help us recruit, attract and retain students who may not consider Furman University within their reach. We are grateful to the Foundation for helping us provide a rigorous liberal arts education to members of the local community—one that expands opportunities for professional advancement and leads to accelerated career and community impact for our graduates.”

In the application for the grant, Furman cited the need to close the talent gap in the current workforce and to attract more and better-qualified workers. UES Director Beth Crews noted that while the Greenville region is growing rapidly, the population is not keeping pace with the educational needs of the job market. “Furman’s UES prepares adult learners to fill the need for business leaders, resulting from the influx of new industry to our region,” said Crews.

Applications are due July 15 for incoming UES students. Learn more about the UES Osher Reentry Scholarships, or contact Matthew Bowersox, Marketing & Recruiting Specialist, Undergraduate Evening Studies at 864-294-2003 and

About Furman University Undergraduate Evening Studies
Founded in 1957, Furman University UES provides working adults the opportunity to continue their education at one the nation’s most prestigious liberal arts universities. UES offers bachelor’s degrees in accounting, business administration, and information technology, and post-baccalaureate certificates in accounting and data analytics. Courses are held in the evening, one night each week, Monday through Thursday, 6-8:45 p.m.

About the Bernard Osher Foundation
The Bernard Osher Foundation, headquartered in San Francisco, was established in 1977 by Bernard Osher, a respected businessman and community leader. The Foundation seeks to improve quality of life through support for higher education and the arts. The Foundation provides post-secondary scholarship funding to colleges and universities across the nation, with special attention to reentry students. It also supports a national lifelong learning network for seasoned adults. The Osher Lifelong Learning Institutes operates on the campuses of 121 institutions of higher education from Maine to Hawaii and Alaska.

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