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4 Reasons Why You Should Consider a Career in Teaching

Last updated September 13, 2022

By Web Admin

Looking for a meaningful career? The national need for quality teachers is at an all time high, and many who are searching for a change are being drawn into the profession, especially when they can enter at a higher pay-level. It is no secret that teaching comes with its own share of challenges, but with the right preparation, quality educators can thrive in their roles. The following reasons demonstrate why:

#1 Teachers are consistently rated as one of the most trusted professions. 

Teachers play many important roles in the classroom, and because of their positive reputation, they are one of the most trusted professions. According to the 2019 Edelman Trust Barometer, 64% of respondents said they trusted teachers, placing them second only to doctors (66%) in terms of trustworthiness. This marks a significant increase from 2018, when only 58% of respondents said they trusted teachers. Furthermore, the Edelman Trust Barometer currently ranks teacher trust as the third most trusted institution, behind the military and small businesses, as well as the 8th most trusted profession. 

#2 Teaching is one of the most secure professions. 

Teaching is and will always be an in-demand profession because there is always a younger generation to educate and inspire. According to the National Education Association, the teaching profession is one of the most secure professions, with a job security rating of 4.4 out of 5. With the wide-ranging opportunities the education field offers, there is always a chance to find the perfect job. 

#3 Teaching is often ranked as one of the most rewarding professions. 

There is no greater sense of reward for a teacher than to see their students succeed. Passing on knowledge to the next generation to achieve their goals is truly a fulfilling experience for them. A study by the National Educator Association found that 78% of teachers said teaching was a rewarding profession.  

They also find satisfaction in seeing their students grow over the course of their time in the classroom. When students demonstrate academic advancements, it is a testament to the teacher’s educational abilities. The US Department of Education reported students who had a teacher that was rated as “highly effective” were more likely to graduate from high school and go on to college. 

It is gratifying for teachers to know they made a positive impact on someone’s life and community by helping them reach their potential. Teaching is a challenging profession, but its reward manifests in the collaboration with a diverse group of people and inspiring the next generation.

The National Education Association claims teaching is the second most rewarding profession, with 80% of teachers reporting a high sense of accomplishment in their work. Ultimately, impacting and giving back to the community is how teachers express their sense of reward in their profession. 

#4 Teachers have an incredible impact on their communities

Making a difference in the world starts in the community. Teachers impact their communities by being role models for their students while helping them learn and grow by providing a safe, supportive, and challenging learning environment. Critical thinking and problem solving exercises created by teachers help students develop the necessary skills in order to be successful in school and life. The classroom environment allows room for discussion, questioning, and writing, which guides students to think deeply about their world as well as formulate their own ideas and opinions. Through feedback and encouragement, teachers instill lifelong values in their students and foster a love of learning in them that they will carry beyond graduation. 

According to the NCES:

  • The average teacher will affect over 3000 students during their career
  • 54% of students say a teacher has helped them overcome a difficult situation in their lives
  • 88% report that a teacher has had a positive effect on them
  • 75% of students see teachers as mentors and role models
  • 83% of students say teachers have boosted their confidence and self-esteem

Additionally, teachers support their communities by being involved in community service projects and working with local organizations to improve the quality of life for all residents. Teachers also often discover themselves in leadership roles within their communities. 

Ready to begin your career in teaching?

Furman University offers a Master of Arts in Teaching which provides the superior instruction that you need to transfer your bachelors degree into a career in secondary education. With a reputation that spans over a century, Furman’s Education Department is known for producing quality teachers. Graduates of Furman who become teachers are known for having a 96% retention rate after 5 years in the profession.