Thank you for your care and dedication

Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Dear Faculty and Staff,

We have been consumed with discerning and managing the myriad ways our world has been upended, including learning today that one of our students has tested positive for COVID-19 and is recovering. In the midst of this crisis, it’s important to pause and say, “thank you.” I am immensely grateful and proud of how our university community has come together to help each other and to ensure that our students continue to progress down their educational pathways.

You all have played important roles. Every one of you. Faculty answered the call and in just barely a week completely reimagined their courses for remote learning and launched them successfully. Staff in every department, working from home and on campus, stepped up to prepare and protect our facilities, to create systems for remotely supporting students and the university, to keep our students, faculty, and staff healthy and safe, and to address hundreds of queries from our students and their families.

Thank you for your flexibility and understanding and, more so, for the extraordinary job you have done and continue to do. While you’re busy helping others, please also pay attention to your own health and wellbeing. If you need help in any way, please reach out to your department chair, supervisor or Human Resources so we may assist you.

I was on a Trustee committee call Monday afternoon, and a Furman senior participated as the student observer. He was so happy to have reconnected with his classmates and professors during the first day of remote learning. Rather than bemoan the disappointing end to his days on campus, he was upbeat and grateful. That is because of you. Furman faculty and staff are truly special, and I deeply appreciate all that you are doing for our students and for each other. Be well.

