OneSouthCarolina®: DLI in Action

Webinar: DLI in Action: Getting Involved Where you Are

What small thing can you do from where you are to help level the field for the children of South Carolina?

On Tuesday, May 21, 2013, DLI alumni across the state tuned in to hear fellow DLI alumni Forrest Alton, Deb Campeau, Mitch Kennedy, Renée Romberger, and Susan DeVenny talk about the work DLI graduates are doing across South Carolina for the children of our state through specific, targeted interventions. SuperCapstones “Putting a Pause on Teen Pregnancy,” “text4babySC,” “Battling Childhood Obesity,” and “Choose to Read” are avenues for action.

  • See the powerpoint presentation (to open links, right click – Open Hyperlink) by clicking here.
  • View companion notes here.

The power of DLI is you, the graduates of DLI. With your developing relationships, your shared diversity lens, and your passion for the people of South Carolina, you and your fellow alumni embody a unique force of creativity, energy and capacity.

As we discussed at OneSouthCarolina, poverty, health, education and social and economic well-being are inextricably intertwined. Though we cannot, in a weekend or even a year, resolve the disparities that exist, we can begin to move forward together to address them.

Links to information about four SuperCapstone is below. These projects focus on children. They provide ways to begin to level the field for the working poor and the very poor by providing support before birth and during early childhood through adolescence. Each project is championed by a strong state leader, who has created a foundation for the work that will be developed over the year; each addresses a specific problem and proposes a specific solution. Each needs you – your ideas, energy and time – to become a reality.

We encourage all DLI alumni to consider these projects and choose one in which you are willing to invest yourself a little or a lot. We look forward to engaging with you as we work to make South Carolina a better place for all its residents. 

Battling Childhood Obesity

Choose to Read

Putting Teen Pregnancy on Pause


Two South Carolinas

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