Admissions Blog Posts

Navigating your Career Path with the Malone Center

Last updated February 28, 2022

By Renee Neves

Hey Furman Family! My name is Sophia Smith and I am a sophomore Health Sciences major from Chapel Hill, North Carolina. While I serve as the Social Media and Marketing Career Ambassador at the Malone Center for Career Engagement, I am also involved on the executive boards of Alpha Delta Pi sorority and Residence Life Council, as well as a member of the Student Alumni Council, First Responders Club, and Best Buddies. Today, I’m here to talk about the Malone Center for Career Engagement and how getting involved can help you immensely in the future.

First off, the Malone Center for Career Engagement is located in the Trone Student Center, Suite 209. Engage with the Malone Center today by reading your weekly career newsletter as well as following us on Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn, and YouTube!

What does the Malone Center for Career Engagement do?

The Career Advising team at the Malone Center specializes in meeting with students to help navigate their individual professional paths. Whether you’re unsure of what to pick for your major, trying to decide on graduate school, looking to revamp your resume, or anything in-between, the Malone Center can help through! The Career Advising team has put together a bunch of guides to help you figure out your future plans. Find all of those helpful resources in one place using the Handshake Resource Library!

Every semester, the Malone Center throws a kickoff event to meet with students, get students in front of recruiters who will review their resumes, and have a professional photographer take free LinkedIn profile headshots of students (there are usually free snacks or goodies involved as well!)

Additionally, at the Malone Center you’ll find:

Career Fairs (both in-person and virtual)

Alumni Career Panels

Employer Information Sessions

Career Treks (taking students to cities across the country for site visits with employers throughout various industries)

Career Assessments and Interest Surveys

Career Guides developed by our advising team, and more!

How do I make an appointment?

Want to schedule an appointment? Go to Every Furman student automatically has an account associated with their Furman credentials.

Through Handshake you can schedule appointments, view job postings and warm job leads, register and attend virtual and in-person events, and so much more! Before scheduling your appointment, check out all of the different advising appointment types we offer.

Wait… Warm Job Leads… What are those?

Warm job leads are special listings the Malone Center promotes to students for many reasons. Usually, we either have alumni working at that company who want to hire fellow Furman graduates, or we have a special relationship with that employer who is particularly interested in hiring Furman graduates.

These jobs are probably a good fit, so you’ll want to check them out and see if you’re interested in applying! You can find all of the warm job leads on Handshake, or you can check out the highlight on our Instagram page that we add more too every week. That way, you only need to see ones with upcoming deadlines.

Well, it was so great to tell you all about the Malone Center for Career Engagement today, thank you for having me. I can’t wait to see you when you stop by the office!

See you soon!

Sophia Smith