Admissions Blog Posts

What Does FUPO Really Mean?

Last updated February 10, 2022

By Andersen Wade

When you first hear FUPO, it could honestly stand for so many different things. It’s just one of the many acronyms we love at Furman so to all of the students, it means Furman University Police Officers. They do so many different things for our school, but they always have our best interest at heart. There is always an officer on campus 24/7 so they’re always ready to help whenever necessary. FUPO does so much around campus, but these are some of the most important parts of our campus safety!

Patrolling Campus

FUPO is constantly driving around campus and making sure everything is in order. They always seem to know everything going on and can help at any time. They are so nice to the students and never want to get people in trouble, but they just want to keep campus safe. You will always see the FUPO cars driving around at all times of the day!


This one might be my personal favorite – SafeRide is an option we have at Furman to get from one place to another if you ever don’t feel comfortable walking outside. You can call SafeRide and tell them where you are and where you need to go, and they will come get you within 5 minutes usually. This is a great option to use if you don’t want to walk outside at night or honestly even if it’s just raining and you want a ride. I have always felt safe walking around campus at night because we are a closed campus, but it’s always nice to know that SafeRide is there if you want it!


LifeSafe is our go to app if you ever need to report something or call the university police. There are so many different options on the app for things to report, but it’s a great tool for our campus. There are options to track the SafeRide vehicles, misconduct resources, and emergency options if you ever need them.

Investigate crimes

FUPO will also investigate any sort of crime that occurs on campus. If someone breaks into your car or steals a bike, FUPO will step in and solve the issue. There are never really any big crimes on campus, but if there ever is a problem that happens, FUPO is there to help!

FUPO really does just want the best for all students on campus. It may be frustrating to get tickets from officer 21 for parking in 30-minute spots (trust me, I got one as I was writing this post…) but at the end of the day, it’s all in the best interest for our student body. FUPO, we love you and thank you for everything you do for us!

All the love,
