Admissions Blog Posts

Home Sweet Home

Last updated October 22, 2021

By Andersen Wade

Finding the perfect college is all about finding a place that feels like home. For me, Furman has always kind of felt like a second home. My family loves this place and I always spent so much time on campus. It was basically part of my childhood! Furman has and always will hold a special place in my heart. Every day this place feels more and more like home which is why I chose this school in the first place, but also why I continue to choose it every day.

Finding your Home

When you start the college search process, it can be intimidating, but it doesn’t have to be once you try to make real connections with the school. Some people immediately fall in love with a school. Others will take a while to develop that feeling. It is usually easier to understand the true feelings of a school when you’re standing on the campus itself and seeing what your life there could look like. Some of the biggest questions I always asked myself was “Can I see myself living here for the next 4 years?”, “What would my life look like if I was a student here?” It can be hard to imagine, but I know I could see myself at Furman and a lot of people feel the same way once they find their home.

Building your Home!

The biggest part of finding your home in college is actually making it feel like home. The best ways to do this is through connections you make. As soon as you get on campus – meeting people, spending time with them, and growing those relationships will make it feel like home. Think of it as forming your “second family.” You have a family at home, so it only makes sense to find your family here too. The friends I’ve made in college have been there through it all and I’m so grateful for them every day. If I didn’t have them, this place would not feel nearly as much like home. I know I can go to them to cry, celebrate, or just relax. I feel so comfortable around them, and I can always be myself. It’s one of the best feelings because I know I’m home when I’m with them.

Home can look different for everyone. You may not feel like you’re at home all the time when you’re at college… trust me, I’ve been known to get actual homesickness. For the most part though, it’s always the best feeling when you know you’re right where you need to be. Home!

Furman may or may not be where you find your home. If it is, we would love to have you and just know you will always be welcomed with open arms!!

All the love!
