Admissions Blog Posts

Not Hollywood’s Greek Life

Last updated October 14, 2021

By Claudia Roe

Coming into Furman, I had many preconceived notions about sororities and Greek Life. Not for me! However, within minutes of being a freshman on Furman’s Campus, I could tell something was different. These weren’t your stereotypical sorority girls that you see in the movies. These same girls I saw in the sororities were athletes, club leaders, and the first to help me when I needed it.   

After meeting a few girls from different organizations that were in my classes and at my on-campus job, I went to a few sorority pop-ins. At these events, I was able to learn more about the different organizations, philanthropies, and what sorority life at Furman truly is. At this point, I had done a total flip. I wanted to go Greek!

After having been apart of Greek life for three years now as well as holding an executive position in my own sorority, I have been able to fully experience Furman Greek Life and appreciate all its unique qualities. 

What makes Furman Greek Life different?

Delayed Recruitment 

Furman holds it recruitment process in January before spring semester opposed to before fall semester. This allows freshman a whole semester to get acclimated to college life and learn how to manage social life and academics before adding the involvement of a sorority. This semester also allows for you to learn about Greek Life before joining. Different organizations will host Pop-Ins throughout first semester, these are super fun events where sororities will have different socials for freshman to come and meet members and learn more about their organization as well as Greek Life as a whole. Personally, I loved having the delayed recruitment because I do not think I would have joined a sorority at all without having the time to meet all of the girls and learn more about Greek Life!

More than a Sorority Girl 

When I was first coming into Furman, one of the main reasons I did not want to join a sorority was because I was afraid the time commitment would hinder me from excelling academically or attaining leadership roles in other organizations. However, what I learned prior to joining and have seen play-out during my time at Furman is that this is far from the truth. I have seen my fellow sisters get accepted into law school and medical school, study abroad, and hold leadership positions in various organizations. Being apart of a sisterhood is not just adding another weekly meeting to attend, but it gives a forever group of girls that are a support system for anything you may wish to achieve.

Greek Life does not Define Furman’s Social Climate

Another part of Furman’s Greek culture that makes it so unique is that it does not define Furman’s social climate.  Personally, I have many close friends who are in different sororities from me and many who are not involved in Greek Life at all. Many of the Greek organizations also hold open functions that the whole school is invited to! So even if Greek Life is not for you, you can still participate in the fun while finding your home in another one of the over 165 other student organizations that Furman has!
