Admissions Blog Posts

Behind the Scenes of FUSAB

Last updated October 5, 2021

By Andersen Wade

Do you ever wonder who the people are behind the big events all week for homecoming or who plans the scavenger hunt on a random weekday? From all the events that happen annually to the small things that make every week better, FUSAB does it all. FUSAB stands for the Furman University Student Activities Board and these people work day and night to put on the best events for Furman students. I’m lucky enough to be part of this organization and let me just say, it’s unlike anything you’ve ever seen. Saying to expect the unexpected would be an understatement – these people are fun loving, crazy, determined, motivated, and so passionate about what they do. Basically, all good things in the world come together and that’s FUSAB, maybe I’m a little biased though.

My sweet FUSAB family!!


The way this organization works is with 4 different committees and a lot of delegating. There are so many events being planned 24/7, but every committee has something different to focus on. We have an annual committee that does events happening every year, special events committee that plans smaller events throughout random weeks, the off-campus committee who plan events that take students off-campus, and the concert committee that does our big concert every year! I’m part of the annual committee so we are focused on homecoming week, the ‘Winter Wonderland’ event that happens right before Christmas break, and some other fun things during the spring semester.


Right now, our big event coming up is homecoming since it’s a little less than 2 weeks away! What I love about annual committee is that all of us have a role to play in all the biggest events happening on campus. Homecoming is a week that so many people look forward to and this year, it’s my job to put on all the events happening on Monday that week. I’m planning an Alice in Wonderland tea party and a medieval themed dinner in the dining hall. I love seeing the ‘behind the scenes’ action of everything happening for homecoming and having a role in the planning is so much fun.


These types of responsibilities also prepare you for so much in the real world. Working with caterers, finances, and other people is valuable for any point of life so starting to learn these things in college is so beneficial. I’ve loved being part of FUSAB, but what some people don’t realize is that this organization is so much more than just planning events. FUSAB is a family and it’s so sweet to see how much all these people care for one another.


Getting onto FUSAB can seem intimidating at first because the interview process is so much different than any interview you’ve probably ever heard of. I knew I wanted to apply to FUSAB from the start because planning events at my high school was one of my favorite things. Just know that when you’re walking into a FUSAB interview, these people are just trying to get to know your personality so whatever weird, random questions they might ask, it’s all fun just to see how you respond.


FUSAB has let me meet so many people that I might not have connected with otherwise. It’s been such a great opportunity and it’s so cool to experience everything this organization offers. It’s so much more than just a group of people planning events. It’s a family and I think everyone could use some people like this in their life!!

– Andersen Wade –