Admissions Blog Posts

And We’re Back!

Last updated September 28, 2021

By Andersen Wade

Hey there again! It feels oh so good to be back and writing another blog post for Furman Admission! For anyone who didn’t follow along last year, here’s all the basics you need to know about me – my name is Andersen Wade and I’m a sophomore at Furman studying Health Sciences and Communications. I’m from right around here in Greenville so I’ve been a Furman fan for as long as I can remember!

But now on to the real stuff… if there’s anything you need to know about me it’s that I love meeting new people and doing new things. I’m always looking for the next adventure and I want to be surrounded by the people I love 24/7. My family means the absolute world to me and I always want my friends to know just how much I love them. I love my dogs more than anything else and music will 100% of the time put me in a better mood.









Since the last time y’all saw, me I’ve really fallen in love with traveling and seeing new places. I went to Yellowstone and Grand Teton National Parks this summer and it was one of my favorite trips by far! I’ve realized that I’m a different version of myself when I’m on trips and I want to find ways to be that person in my day to day life. One thing I’m so excited about is the opportunity Furman provides to travel whether it’s through a May-X program or spending a semester abroad. That’s definitely something I want to take advantage of during my time here and I can’t wait to see where that takes me!









I also found a passion for photography and videography over the summer and that’s something I’ve loved experimenting with through travel. I loved getting to combine two things I love and it makes documenting those memories even better. I have so many more ways to look back on some of the best moments and almost relive them through the ways I’ve captured it. My absolute dream would be to become a ‘travel vlogger’ and basically make a living off of travel, but I guess I should probably have a plan B too? just maybe?

This is one of my favorite pictures from my trip to Yellowstone! A bison just walked right in front of us while we were driving in Lamar Valley. So. Crazy.


Some of the things that not everyone knows about me is that I actually have a small Taylor Swift obsession, don’t look at any of my Spotify playlists because it would actually be embarrassing. I’m also a big country music fan, very controversial, I know. I’m always my happiest when I’m driving with my windows down, music up! I love summer, but Christmas is my favorite time of the year by far. Ask anyone who knows me and they know that I am counting down the days until Christmas all year long. I always want to look for the good things in every day and I love looking forward to the next big thing happening in life. With that being said, I also think it’s so important to live in the moment and not take a single day for granted. That’s something I try to remind myself of everyday, but sometimes it can be a difficult thing to actually do!

I can’t wait to share my year with all of y’all and talk about more of what Furman means to me! Everything seems new to me because last year, ‘the big Covid year’ was my first year so it almost feels like I’m still a freshman since I’m seeing most things for the first time. If you want to go check out any of my previous posts from last year, always feel free, but I can’t wait to see what this next year holds!

As always, please reach out if you have any questions or just want to know more about my Furman life!! You’ll also see me every now and then on the @fuadmission instagram and right here with my blog posts!

-Andersen Wade-