Admissions Blog Posts

Thank You Freshman Year!

Last updated April 16, 2021

By Web Admin

– Andersen Wade –

Looking back on everything I’ve experienced during my freshman year, the things I love the most are the people I’ve found. I know I was worried about finding friends before starting college because all I’ve heard is that the people you spend the next 4 years with will become your “life long friends”. Everyone told me they found a second family in college – the people who would be their bridesmaids one day. I was so excited for all of this, but at the same time, thoughts crossed my mind like, “what if I never find my people?”

I honestly shouldn’t have worried about this for a second because the moment I came onto Furman’s campus I was surrounded by people who felt the exact same way as me. We all wanted to find our “life long friends” so everyone was so excited to meet people. The people you meet on day one will always hold a special place in your heart, but so will all the people you meet a few weeks later, or even second semester or sophomore year. The people in your life at Furman are constantly growing, but no matter what, you will be surrounded by friends who love and care for you more than anything.

The people I’ve met through organizations, random connections, or even just by introducing myself have become my closest friends. It’s still so crazy to me that I didn’t know any of these people a year ago because now I can’t imagine my life without them. All of the memories, laughs, late night drives, and long DH dinners are things I wouldn’t trade for the world. The biggest advice I can give is to join organizations because odds are, some people who are similar to you will join them as well and it’s such a fun way to meet new people. Go to events!! Even in the midst of a pandemic, we were still able to have some events on campus and this helped so many freshmen meet each other. Lastly, make sure you’re reaching out to people, making plans for dinner, or going off campus to get ice cream. Doing things with someone is one of the best ways to start a friendship! The first few weeks of my freshman year were filled with road trips to Bald Rock, a lot of dinners downtown, and snow cones from Pelican’s (10/10 would recommend)!!

I also thought I could take this chance to ask my friends what their favorite parts of freshman year have been. They all said it was the people they met that made this year so special, but the memories we’ve made together are the best part. One of them said common hour in the DH is one of her favorite things because you get to socialize with so many different people during the lunch rush.

I know I’ve said this a million times, but the people at Furman are one of a kind and my freshman year wouldn’t be the same if it wasn’t for the people I’ve met. The community created on campus is so special. Through classes, organizations, and sometimes even mutual friends or weird connections, you will find your life long friends! Even if it doesn’t happen at first, give it time. It’s completely normal to be worried before coming to college, but you will find your place and your people at Furman. Everything works itself out and I am so so thankful that I’ve found mine.

ALL the love!
