Admissions Blog Posts

Dreaming of the Furman Advantage

Last updated April 9, 2021

By Web Admin

– Andersen Wade –

As a freshman, I haven’t experienced much of the Furman Advantage yet, but I’m so excited for everything to come. I’ve heard of all the amazing opportunities and I’ve even seen it in action. So many upperclassmen have talked about their exciting trips abroad, internships, or research that helped develop their education. I plan to take advantage of as many things as I can, and the Furman Advantage makes all of this so exciting!

Studying Abroad

If you know anything about me, you know I love travel so going abroad has always been at the top of my bucket list. I would love to spend a month or a semester somewhere around the world. My dream places to visit would be Madrid, Greece, Italy, Switzerland, France, or honestly anywhere. Furman makes this process so easy and accessible to so many students. The stories people come back with after studying abroad are so incredible and just makes me even more excited to experience it myself!


I’ve always thought internships are so much fun and really help you decide if the career path is right for you. Getting to work alongside people already in the field give you a great idea of what your future would look like. I’ve been very interested in physical therapy, so looking for internships in this field is so exciting to me! I can’t wait to have a hands on learning experience that prepares me for any undergraduate program. It is so beneficial to have this opportunity during your college years.

Research Programs

Furman professors are so amazing and help students in so many ways, but one of my favorites is through research programs. All of my professors have talked about the best memories they’ve made with students and it is always through research. I think this would be one of my favorite things at Furman because not only does it further my education, but it builds relationships with professors and prepares you for other types of research in the future. The Health Science program has done some amazing research with undergraduate students and I am so eager to be part of this in the future.

Any part of the Furman Advantage is so beneficial to so many students. I’ve heard the most amazing things from people who have already experienced these things, but I can’t wait for the day where I get to experience it myself. If there’s any advantage that can make the 4 years at college the best, it’s the Furman Advantage.

ALL the love!
