Admissions Blog Posts

Keeping Your Hometown Besties Close

Last updated October 3, 2020

By Web Admin

Change is hard. Whether it be something big like going away to college or small like Starbucks getting rid of my favorite holiday drink, I often struggle a bit when my life is met with change. Before freshman year, when the time came to pack my bags and it was officially “what day are you leaving” season, I began to, for lack of better words, freak out. How was I going to keep in touch with my friends at home? We picked schools that spanned across the country: from California to Pennsylvania, to Alabama, we had all of the corners of the country covered. Luckily, with some practice, we all got used to this change- which is why I’m here to cover some of my favorite ways to keep in touch with your friends from home while you’re living your best college life.

Be intentional!! 

When you and your hometown besties make plans to chat, be intentional with it! Set up a zoom call, play a game online, set up the Netflix party, or even plan to eat dinner from the same restaurant over FaceTime. I’ve learned that when you make intentional plans, things run a lot more smoothly! By doing something fun like playing a game online, it’s almost as if you were sitting in your bedroom in your hometown playing the game in person with your pals. 

Give each other space to grow

To be completely honest, I think some of the best advice I can give is to really branch out on your own college campus at the beginning of your freshman year. Trust me, I know sometimes the easiest answer is to constantly text your best friends from home, but the truth is, they’re also trying to adjust. Now, I’m not saying y’all shouldn’t talk- you most DEFINITELY should, but just keep in mind that you all are experiencing a huge life change, and space to grow is really crucial during this time! 

Plan an adventure when you’re all home 

The summer before freshman year, my two besties and I decided to plan a little girls weekend for Thanksgiving break when we were all home! By doing this, we had something to look forward to the next time we would all be together! We had the best time spending the weekend catching up about our new friends, the highs and lows of our first semester of college, and everything in between. Even if you guys plan to do something like going on a hike, taking a little road trip, or even a picnic at a park near your house, it’s a great way to look forward to a shared experience. 

Frequent Snapchat updates 

This is one of my favorite pieces of advice. I like using Snapchat because it allows your friends to see what your life looks like at your new college! They can see pictures of your campus, your room, your friends, and anything in between. Personally, I feel closer to my friends when I feel like I can actually see what their lives look like, and Snapchat is a great way to do that! Sometimes when I walk to class I just take a quick video updating them on my lives, which in my opinion is sometimes even more efficient than a phone call or text. If Snapchat isn’t for you, Marco Polo is also a great app to keep in touch with your long distance besties. 

Adjusting to a new life in a new place can be a lot to balance! Remember, at the end of the day you have to do what is best for you and your mental health. If taking a social media break is what you need to do to thrive, do it! If calling your hometown bestie every couple of days is what you’re feeling, do that! It’s all about creating a balance and realistically, creating this balance won’t happen overnight! At the end of the day, remember that while your relationships with your friends from home might shift a little, this doesn’t mean they love you any less and won’t be there to support you.  

As always, I’m always here to chat! Whether it be about adjusting to college, finding friends, maintaining hometown friendships, or anything in between, you know where to find me. 

I hope y’all are having a happy week! 
