Admissions Blog Posts

Thank(FU)l & Grate(FU)l

Last updated July 9, 2020

By Web Admin

Hi, friends! Amidst the craziness that is life right now, I’ve been actively trying to take time each day to reflect on what I am thankful for. By doing this, I’ve most definitely felt more grounded and centered as I go about my life. In the spirit of reflection, I thought this would be the PERFECT week to share a few things Furman has given me that I am just oh so thankful for. 

The sunsets: Y’all. I didn’t think that Florida beach sunsets could be beaten, but man, I was wrong. Furman sunsets are some of the most beautiful I have ever seen. My room overlooks the Furman Lake and bell tower, and many nights my roommate and I would sit on our beds in awe of just how beautiful the sky is. Another classic move for prime sunset views is to sit by the lake outside of the Pden and dangle your feet over the lake and watch it from there. But, please, please, PLEASE, do not fall in (who knows what’s in there!!!!). Furman sunsets will always be one of the things I am so so so thankful for.

The challenges: Now, I know this sounds like a weird thing to be thankful for, but I would not be the person I am if it were not for the challenges Furman has given me thus far. A big example of a challenge was my switch in majors. I enrolled in Furman as a vocal performance major, but about a month in I knew that being a music major was not in my life path. I had to finish out the semester in classes I really struggled with, which taught me about perseverance. I would not trade this experience for anything, and I choose to look at it as just another chapter in my college career. 

The sweet people: Starting with my interactions senior year with my sweet admissions counselor, Coady,  every interaction I have had with anyone at our school has been nothing short of wonderful, intentional, and kind. Furman has given me my most admired confidants, mentors, and best friends that have quickly become family. Our campus is full of unique, passionate, and driven individuals, all with the common goal of making Furman the best Furman possible (& a shared love of the ‘dins obviously!!). Furms has given me people that I genuinely cannot imagine my life without, which is kind of crazy considering I’ve only been here for two years! 

The opportunities: Furman is a small campus, but the opportunities are endless. I promise you that no matter what you’re interested in, there is a club or organization that can cater to what you want. I’ve highlighted this before, but my orientation staff experience was an opportunity I will remember for the rest of my life. Actually, it was the most fun I think I’ve ever had in my life. Furman is so great about giving back to the community as well, which is something that is so special. Whether you’re working with the Heller Service Corps on an event that works with at risk youth, or the Shi Center for Sustainability working on a weatherization for a member of our community,  there is always something to get involved with.

Our beautiful campus: I am absolutely convinced that Furman is the most stunning campus in the whole world. Whether you’re taking a leisurely stroll around the lake watching the swans, sitting in front of the lib looking out over the mall, or sitting in Paladin Stadium looking out at the mountains, every corner of our school has something so special. There’s most definitely a reason why Furman consistently appears on every list that covers the most beautiful college campuses in the country. A huge shoutout to the people that do so much to keep Furms looking like an 11/10!!!

Deciding to come to Furman was one of the greatest decisions of my life, and I am thankful every single day that I get to call it home. There is so much to be grateful for in this life, and this list is just scraping the surface. I hope this post helped show why I feel so thankful for Furman, and I hope that if you’re going through the college process, you decide to call Furms home just like I did two years ago.

If you have any questions or concerns about Furman please reach out to me! My insta is @alexandra_rick ! And as always, Roll Dins!

Have a happy week!
